Payout for Zero-Click Outlook Zero-Days has been increased to $400,000 by Zerodium.

It was announced on the same day that Trustwave SpiderLabs revealed a new approach to get around Outlook security and send malicious links to victims. was reported by threatpost. Zerodium, an exploit acquisition platform, has temporarily boosted its prize for zero-click remote code executions in Microsoft Outlook from $250,000 to $400,000.These vulnerabilities can attack a… Continue reading Payout for Zero-Click Outlook Zero-Days has been increased to $400,000 by Zerodium.

Joint action by 10 countries and Europol taken down VPNLabs secure communication tool favored by cybercriminals

Joint action by 10 countries and Europol taken down VPNLabs secure communication tool favored by cybercriminals This week, law enforcement officials targeted’s users and infrastructure in an effort to stop criminals from misusing VPN services. The VPN provider’s service, which was supposed to provide encrypted communications and internet access, was being utilized in support… Continue reading Joint action by 10 countries and Europol taken down VPNLabs secure communication tool favored by cybercriminals

Russia Arrests members of “REvil” hacking group at U.S. request – FSB

In Russia, the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Leningrad, and Lipetsk, the Russian Federation’s Federal Security Service, in collaboration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ Investigation Department, put an end to the illegal activities of members of an organized criminal community popularly known for working for “Revil”. The search activities were based on an… Continue reading Russia Arrests members of “REvil” hacking group at U.S. request – FSB

MITRE ATT&CK® Released Updates in Oct 2021 With Additional Techniques and Structuring

MITRE ATT&CK® is a globally accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. The ATT&CK knowledge base is used as a foundation for the development of specific threat models and methodologies in the private sector, in government, and in the cybersecurity product and service community. With the creation of ATT&CK, MITRE… Continue reading MITRE ATT&CK® Released Updates in Oct 2021 With Additional Techniques and Structuring

Russian Hackers Infiltrate Exams of Indian Navy And Air Force

The Delhi Police’s has busted attempts of Russian hackers to infiltrate the Indian Navy and Air Force exams through the dark web. The Intelligence Department of Delhi Police were the ones who brought to light an online examination hacking racket and arrested six people who were allegedly helping aspirants cheat in GMAT and JEE entrance… Continue reading Russian Hackers Infiltrate Exams of Indian Navy And Air Force

France gonna Earn 210 Million Euro from fine on Cookies of facebook and google

Cookie Consent Dark Pattern: Privacy Zuckering In a NutShell “Following investigations, the CNIL noted that the websites, and do not make refusing cookies as easy as to accept them. It thus fines FACEBOOK 60 million euros and GOOGLE 150 million euros and orders them to comply within three months.“ “The websites,… Continue reading France gonna Earn 210 Million Euro from fine on Cookies of facebook and google

Gartner EDRs are not perfect, fail against common attacks

Advanced Persistent threats have been a pain for blue teams for a very long time, and one of the key tool in the arsenal is Endpoint Detection and Response tools since the recent past, however, they come with their limitations as well. endpoint detection & response (EDR) software from 18 of today’s top cybersecurity firms… Continue reading Gartner EDRs are not perfect, fail against common attacks

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