
The Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool (TMT)

A crucial component of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle is the Threat Modeling Tool (SDL). Early detection and mitigation of potential security issues, when they are still manageable and affordable to fix, is made possible for software architects. It consequently significantly lowers the overall cost of development. Additionally, since we created the tool with non-security experts in mind, it makes threat modeling simpler for all developers by offering clear instructions on how to build and analyze threat models.

Anyone can: thanks to the tool:

Discuss how their systems’ security is designed in communication
Utilize a tested methodology to examine those designs for any potential security flaws.
Manage mitigations for security issues by making suggestions.
Just to name a few, here are some tooling innovations and capabilities:

Automated model-drawing assistance and feedback
STRIDE per Element: Guided assessment of risks and countermeasures
Reporting: In the verification phase, security activities and testing
Unusual Approach: enables users to more clearly see and comprehend threats

developed with developers and Software-focused: Many strategies focus on assets or attackers. Our focus is on software. We expand on practises that are common to all software developers and architects, such as creating visual representations of their software architecture.
Design analysis-specific: Threat modelling can refer to either a requirements analysis method or a design analysis method. It can also refer to a sophisticated combination of the two. Microsoft uses a focused design analysis method for threat modelling called SDL.

Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool overview – Azure | Microsoft Learn

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